Sunday, January 1, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2012!!

Okay, so I'm not the greatest at keeping up with this blog thing!  When we first got here there was so much to report and so many new adventures, but yesterday was 14 months since we arrived and life feels pretty much routine most days.  We didn't send out Christmas cards this year as all the international stamps really add up, but thank you to so many of you that sent us cards and photos of your families.  A card from home in the mailbox is such a welcome sight and we love to catch up on your news!  

We had a lovely Christmas this year, with Nelson's parents arriving on December 3 to spend 3 1/2 weeks with us.  It was an overwhelming feeling to hug family from home and I didn't realise how much I missed it until we met them at the airport!  We have met many people and have some good friends, but it is wonderful to be with family who have known you all your life!  It was fun to tour around Melbourne with them and to relive a lot of their happy memories of growing up here.  Nelson spent an afternoon downtown with his dad walking around the neighbourhood where Dad grew up and even touring the inside of his grandma's house.  We took them up to Sovereign Hill, to the beach at Phillip Island and to our favourite Dandenong Ranges park to see the birds.  
Mom Attwood, Jonathan and Nelson
A Friendly Kookaburra
Christmas came and went quickly.  Somehow with the hot weather and the start of summer vacation, Christmas is less of an event than it is in Canada.  The kids still get excited, but it seemed to sneak up on me, and Mom and I were scrambling to get the shopping done the week before!  The stomach flu hit us all during the week of Christmas, so that put a bit of a damper on things, but we managed to enjoy Christmas day together and had a lovely Christmas dinner at John and Lyn Baker, our pastor's, home.  I saved my turkey cooking until the 27th, Cameron's 13th birthday.  

Cam and Jono in new Saskatchewan Roughriders shirts from Uncle Wes
On December 27 we had the joy of meeting Nelson's cousin Priscilla and her husband, Rick, who travelled down from New South Wales to meet Nelson's parents with Matthew, Priscilla's brother.  After 30+ years of being out of the Exclusive Brethren, it was such a thrill for Mom and Dad to meet a niece and nephew and to be called "Aunt and Uncle" for the first time.  We have shared with a few of you how Priscilla, who is a nurse, picked up a tract that talked about the difference between religion and a real relationship with Christ.  She realised the truth of the Gospel message and was saved.  She and Rick left the Exclusives and have been attending a Church of Christ for the last few years.  They have recently moved to Port Macquarie, north of Sydney, and Matthew is living with them.  Please pray for them as they search the Word to work out how to live as Christians and how to determine truth from the errors that they have been brought up with.  We wish we could see them more, but unfortunately it is a 15 hour drive to where they live, so our visits will not be too frequent, but we will keep in touch through email and skype.  Meeting them and hearing their story has renewed our burden for Nelson's family who are still in the Exclusives, which was one of the reasons we felt the Lord leading us here to Australia.  Many years ago the teaching was still sound and the Gospel was still preached among them, but in the last 50 years it has become a cult, following a world leader and whatever new laws he creates.  The people inside live in fear of being cut off from all their family if they do not follow the endless rules enforced upon them.  They do have Bibles, but many do not read or study for themselves, relying on the leaders to teach them.  Our hearts break to hear the stories and to realise that so many inside do not know the Lord and the freedom and joy that comes from truly walking with Him.  From a human standpoint it seems like an impossible task to reach them with the Gospel, but with Christ all things are possible and we would ask you to pray that we will be given wisdom and courage to take any opportunities He gives us to reach out to them.  Nelson has two uncles and an aunt, as well as a myriad of cousins and second-cousins still in.  Pray that Priscilla and Rick's testimony will impact them as well, as the church has been completely stumped by their leaving under their own conviction.  No matter how hard they try to find a "reasonable excuse" for it, they haven't found one, so there are bound to be those who are wondering about it!  
Rick, Priscilla, Matthew, Nelson, Elizabeth and Max

Now, to update you on the family:

Nelson is out of school until the end of January, so is busy working with John, our pastor, doing construction at the moment.  His elbow is keeping up with the work, but the body aches at the end of the day are a good reminder that the career change to ministry is still the best idea!  He is really missing school and can't wait to get back to the studying.  He will do a summer intensive for a week at the end of January and then will start back full-time in his second year by the middle of February.  He had the opportunity to preach at our church in November and, although it was very daunting, he did really well.  He has been booked to speak next Sunday at a Baptist church where one of his professors goes, so he is looking forward to that and enjoying the studying.  We are both really enjoying Grace Community Church and are trying to find our place to serve there.  I have sung on the worship team a few times and really enjoy it, although find it stretches my courage!  Having grown up in small churches, we both have a desire to be used and to be involved, so please pray that we will find areas where we are needed and can serve the Lord.

I continue to be busy with typing work here at home.  I have enjoyed a week off over Christmas, but will start back tomorrow.  I am looking at the possibility of finding a doctor's office job near home, as I find being in the house quite isolating and that the work often encroaches on all times of the day and evening!  However, for now I have steady work and will continue to pray that the Lord will give me direction in terms of work.  

Jonathan (or Jono, as he prefers to be called), turned 16 on Friday.  So hard to believe that he has grown to be 6'2" and taller than Dad!  Seems like yesterday that he was just a toddler!  He is going into Grade 11 in February and loves drawing and music, and is very gifted in both.  He doesn't at this point have a clear idea of what he would like to do after high school, so would appreciate your prayers for direction.  

Cam turned 13 and is heading into Grade 8 in February.  We were thrilled when he received an Academic Achievement award at the end of the year, having skipped up to Grade 7 when we arrived!  Grandma and Grandpa were able to be at the awards ceremony, so it was a special evening!  He also loves to draw cartoons and read.  
Cam and a not-so-pleased Braeden! (too many hours travelling in the car!)
Brady is 10 and going into Grade 5 in February.  He did really well in Grade 4 and exceeded expectations with all the adjustments he had to make in his new school and new life here.  He had an absolutely awesome assistant with him all year from England and she will continue on in Grade 5 with him as well.  She is just what he needs, loving and kind, but firm and no-nonsense!  The Lord is so good and continues to bring the right people into our lives!  

I think that about covers all of our news for now.  January will be a long month with the kids on holiday and both of us working!  The summer weather has certainly arrived, with temperatures around 38 or so this week.  Fortunately in Melbourne we get mixed weather, so are looking forward to 21 on Wednesday and rain!  Can you tell I'm not a summer weather girl?!

We took the kids away over Friday and Saturday to see the 12 Apostles on the Great Ocean Road - a dream of mine since before leaving Canada!  It was a long drive, but so worth it.  God's artistry is amazing and so unique!  We spent one night in Warrnambool and enjoyed a day playing on the beach before heading home Saturday night.  The student income doesn't allow for more elaborate holidays at this point, but we are so grateful for the times we can get away and just be together.  The beach is one of our favourite places to be, so we go as often as we can!

Yes, the water really is that colour!!

Well, time to sign off, but we wish you all a blessed 2012!  We are so thankful for all your prayers and love and miss you all!